Are Dental Implants Painful?

Dental implants are one of the best ways to treat tooth loss. Dental implants are permanent and the most natural-looking option. In addition, you care for dental implants the same way you do your natural teeth; the implants won't affect your speech, and the implants are strong enough that you can eat anything you want.

Many people who think about getting dental implants worry that the procedure will be painful, and some go for the easier, less painful options. If you are worried about the procedure or the pain associated with it, you shouldn't be. Dr. Nita Gampa of Dentistry By Nita Gampa in Worcester, MA, has performed hundreds of dental implants in her career and is the best around.

The First Phase Of the Dental Implant Process

There are several steps in the dental implant procedure. The first step is embedding the implant into the jawbone socket of the missing tooth. During this procedure, you are given a local anesthetic, so you don't feel the pain. You may also be given a sedative to help with the anxiety.

The local anesthetic will prevent pain during the procedure; however, you will likely feel pain when the anesthetic wears off.

How Long After the Procedure Will I Feel Pain?

Most patients report feeling pain around the site for about 10 days. During this time, you can take an over-the-counter pain reliever to help ease the pain. The pain is due to bruising around the gum at the implant site. The pain is often worse when you brush your teeth.

What Else Can I Expect After Dental Implants?

It is not uncommon to experience symptoms other than pain and bruising on the gums at the site. The other common issues after getting dental implants in Worcester, MA, include:

  • Pain around the cheeks, chin, and under your eyes.

  • Minor bleeding in the area

  • Gum swelling around the implant site

If your pain and other symptoms last longer than two weeks, it is a red flag. By the end of two weeks, you should start feeling better. If you aren't, there could be an issue with the implant, such as infection, nerve damage, or sinus issues. Improper cleaning and care could also be the cause.

It is best to call your dentist if you aren't feeling any relief after two weeks to check the implant and the area around it.

Is the Final Phase Painful?

The final phase of the dental implant procedure is attaching the crown to the implant to replace your missing tooth. The implant has properly fused to the jawbone by this phase and is essentially part of your body now. When the crown is affixed, you shouldn't feel any pain at all.

If you suffer from tooth loss and believe that dental implants are the best option, call Dr. Gampa of Dentistry By Nita Gampa in Worcester, MA, at (508) 755-9394. Dr. Gampa can perform an exam and get x-rays to determine if you are a good candidate.

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